The development of mass spectrometry-based leak detection for pharmaceutical container integrity was undertaken to provide an alternative to microbial challenge testing. Standard 10-mL vials were modified to contain pinholes (0.5 to 10 microns) by affixing micropipettes with epoxy into 2-mm vial side wall holes. The absolute leak rate was determined using vials that were sealed in a tracer (helium) environment with butyl rubber stoppers and crimps. Alternatively leak rates were determined using vials that were sealed in room air and exposed to tracer under pressure (charging or bombing). Tracer leak rates were measured with mass spectrometry leak rate detectors. The absolute leak rate was correlated the squared nominal leak radius which suggested that the mode of gas flow through the glass pipette leaks was more turbulent than viscous even at low leak rates typically associated with viscous flow. The minimum observed absolute leak rate was about 10−6.6 std cc/sec and was likely due to helium permeation through the rubber stoppers. Heat-stressed rubber stoppers did not affect the baseline absolute leak rate. Adsorption of helium tracer to the test unit surfaces was found to confound baseline leak rate measurement reliability but was eliminated as a source of variation by exposing the test units to ambient air for ≥12 hours. The absolute leak rate and the leak rate measured after charging were related in a mathematically predictable way.
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