PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Brorson, Kurt AU - O’Donnell, Sean TI - Proceedings of the 2023 Viral Clearance Symposium, Session 5: Viral Clearance Strategy and Process Understanding AID - 10.5731/pdajpst.2024.002245 DP - 2024 Mar 01 TA - PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology PG - 176--186 VI - 78 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - PDA J Pharm Sci Technol2024 Mar 01; 78 AB - Session 5 of the 2023 Viral Clearance Symposium reviewed the strategy and process understanding of viral clearance testing. Topics included learnings from the past, leveraging surrogate-based methodologies, cleaning agents that inactivate enveloped baculoviruses, segregation, and retrovirus-like particles both in continuous process and in-use as spiking viruses. Overall, there were discussions over a wide array of viral clearance determinants.