PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Robinson, Joseph R. TI - FDA-Industry Relations: Progress from Confrontation to Communication DP - 1983 Jul 01 TA - PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology PG - 111--112 VI - 37 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - PDA J Pharm Sci Technol1983 Jul 01; 37 AB - The Water for Injection (WFI) System at the Upjohn Company was placed “on stream” in July of 1981. This presentation will discuss the design and operation of it. Although the WFI System at Upjohn is similar to many other systems in the pharmaceutical industry in that it complies with GMP and 3-A guidelines, there are several distinct features. These include separate WFI Product and Rinse systems, a lower circulating temperature, and reheating of water cooled but not used at the points-of-use. Included are descriptions of these features as well as the general design of the generation, storage, and distribution systems. Finally, operating experiences, including start-up, validation, and daily operations, are discussed.