PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Athanikar, Narayan K. AU - Jurgens, Raymond W. AU - Sturgeon, Roy J. AU - Zober, Laurel A. AU - Deluca, Patrick P. AU - Papadimitriou, Dimitri TI - High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Methods for Antibiotics Admixed with Intravenous Infusates DP - 1983 Jul 01 TA - PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology PG - 125--128 VI - 37 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - PDA J Pharm Sci Technol1983 Jul 01; 37 AB - High-performance liquid chromatographic methods were developed for the analysis of seventeen antibiotics commonly admixed with intravenous infusates. All chromatography was conducted at room temperature using C18 reverse phase or anion exchange columns and fixed wavelength UV detection. The antibiotics were analyzed in 5% dextrose for injection, 5% dextrose in lactated Ringer’s for injection, 5% dextrose in sodium chloride for injection, lactated Ringer’s for injection, and 0.9% sodium chloride for injection. Percent recoveries for all antibiotics ranged from 95.4 to 104.8%. The percent coefficients of variance were generally low. The antibiotics and their degradation products exhibited retention times ranging from 1.0 to 7.0 min. The methods are simple, rapid and accurate and are applicable to monitoring the physico-chemical stability of admixed antibiotics.