RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Coefficient of Accuracy and Concordance Correlation Coefficient: New Statistics for Methods Comparison JF PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology JO PDA J Pharm Sci Technol FD Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) SP 55 OP 59 VO 52 IS 2 A1 Lin, Lawrence A1 Torbeck, Lynn D. YR 1998 UL http://journal.pda.org/content/52/2/55.abstract AB A new statistic, the Coefficient of Accuracy, Ca, has been developed by Lin for methods comparison. When an old measurement method is compared to a new measurement method or if the same method is compared in two laboratories, the Coefficient of Determination, r2, is typically used to measure the relationship. However, r2 only measures the precision of the relationship. The newly developed statistic, Ca, measures the accuracy of the relationship. When these two statistics are combined together, they form a single statistic for both accuracy and precision called the Concordance Correlation Coefficient, rc.Copyright © Parenteral Drug Association. All rights reserved.