PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Chinsriwongkul, Akhayachatra AU - Opanasopit, Praneet AU - Ngawhirunpat, Tanasait AU - Rojanarata, Theerasak AU - Sila-On, Warisada AU - Ruktanonchai, Uracha TI - Oleic Acid Enhances All-<em>Trans</em> Retinoic Acid Loading in Nano-Lipid Emulsions DP - 2010 Mar 01 TA - PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology PG - 113--123 VI - 64 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - PDA J Pharm Sci Technol2010 Mar 01; 64 AB - The aim of this study was to investigate the enhancement of all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) loading in nano-lipid emulsions and stability by using oleic acid. The effect of formulation factors including initial ATRA concentration and the type of oil on the physicochemical properties, that is, percentage yield, percentage drug release, and photostability of formulations, was determined. The solubility of ATRA was increased in the order of oleic acid &gt; MCT &gt; soybean oil &gt; water. The physicochemical properties of ATRA-loaded lipid emulsion, including mean particle diameter and zeta potential, were modulated by changing an initial ATRA concentration as well as the type and mixing ratio of oil and oleic acid as an oil phase. The particles of lipid emulsions had average sizes of less than 250 nm and negative zeta potential. The addition of oleic acid in lipid emulsions resulted in high loading capacity. The photodegradation rate was found to be dependent on the initial drug concentration but independent of the type of oily phase used in this study. The release rates were not affected by initial ATRA concentration but were affected by the type of oil, where oleic acid showed the highest release rate of ATRA from lipid emulsions.© PDA, Inc. 2010