PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Pavell, Anthony AU - Hughes, Keith A. TI - A Risk-Based Approach to Variable Load Configuration Validation in Steam Sterilization: Application of PDA Technical Report 1 Load Equivalence Topic DP - 2010 Mar 01 TA - PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology PG - 124--136 VI - 64 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - PDA J Pharm Sci Technol2010 Mar 01; 64 AB - This article describes a method for achieving the load equivalence model, described in Parenteral Drug Association Technical Report 1, using a mass-based approach. The item and load bracketing approach allows for mixed equipment load size variation for operational flexibility along with decreased time to introduce new items to the operation. The article discusses the utilization of approximately 67 items/components (Table IV) identified for routine sterilization with varying quantities required weekly. The items were assessed for worst-case identification using four temperature-related criteria. The criteria were used to provide a data-based identification of worst-case items, and/or item equivalence, to carry forward into cycle validation using a variable load pattern. The mass approach to maximum load determination was used to bracket routine production use and allows for variable loading patterns. The result of the item mapping and load bracketing data is “a proven acceptable range” of sterilizing conditions including loading configuration and location. The application of these approaches, while initially more time/test-intensive than alternate approaches, provides a method of cycle validation with long-term benefit of ease of ongoing qualification, minimizing time and requirements for new equipment qualification for similar loads/use, and for rapid and rigorous assessment of new items for sterilization.© PDA, Inc. 2010