PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Victor, Ken G. AU - Levac, Lauren AU - Timmins, Michael AU - Veale, James TI - Method Development for Container Closure Integrity Evaluation via Headspace Gas Ingress by Using Frequency Modulation Spectroscopy AID - 10.5731/pdajpst.2017.007518 DP - 2017 Nov 01 TA - PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology PG - 429--453 VI - 71 IP - 6 4099 - 4100 - SO - PDA J Pharm Sci Technol2017 Nov 01; 71 AB - USP <1207.1> Section 3.5 states that “A deterministic leak test method having the ability to detect leaks at the product's maximum allowable leakage limit is preferred when establishing the inherent integrity of a container-closure system.” Ideally, container closure integrity of parenteral packaging would be evaluated by measuring a physical property that is sensitive to the presence of any package defect that breaches package integrity by increasing its leakage above its maximum allowable leakage limit. The primary goals of the work presented herein were to demonstrate the viability of the nondestructive, deterministic method known as laser-based gas headspace analysis for evaluating container closure integrity and to provide a physical model for predicting leak rates for a variety of container volumes, headspace conditions, and defect sizes. The results demonstrate that laser-based headspace analysis provides sensitive, accurate, and reproducible measurements of the gas ingress into glass vial-stopper package assemblies that are under either diffusive or effusive leak conditions. Two different types of positive controls were examined. First, laser-drilled micro-holes in thin metal disks that were crimped on top of 15R glass vials served as positive controls with a well-characterized defect geometry. For these, a strong correlation was observed between the measured ingress parameter and the size of the defect for both diffusive and effusive conditions. Second, laser-drilled holes in the wall of glass vials served as controls that more closely simulate real-world defects. Due to their complex defect geometries, their diffusive and effusive ingress parameters did not necessarily correlate; this is an important observation that has significant implications for standardizing the characterization of container defects. Regardless, laser-based headspace analysis could readily differentiate positive and negative controls for all leak conditions, and the results provide a guide for method development of container closure integrity tests.LAY ABSTRACT: The new USP 39 <1207>, “Package Integrity Evaluation—Sterile Products”, states in section 3.4.1: “tracer gas tests performed using … laser-based gas headspace analysis [have] been shown to be sensitive enough to quantitatively analyze leakage through the smallest leak paths found to pose the smallest chance of liquid leakage or microbial ingress in rigid packaging.” In addition, USP <1207> also states that “for such methods, the limit of detection can be mathematically predicted on the basis of gas flow kinetics.” Using the above statements as a foundation, this paper presents a theoretical basis for predicting the gas ingress through well-defined defects in product vials sealed under a variety of headspace conditions. These calculated predictions were experimentally validated by comparing them to measurements of changes in the headspace oxygen content or total pressure for several different positive controls using laser-based headspace analysis. The results demonstrated that laser-based headspace analysis can, by readily differentiating between negative controls and positive controls with a range of defect sizes on the micron scale, be used to assess container closure integrity. The work also demontrated that caution must be used when attempting to correlate a leak rate to an idealized defect-size parameter.