Study 4. Vacuum Decay Liquid Leak Test at 1 mbar—Empty, Holed Syringe Challenge

Differential Pressure Readings (Pa)
Negative Controlan5 μmn10 μmn15 μmn
Site 1Average ± SD16 ± 4.34563 ± 2015599 ± 015599 ± 015
Site 2Average ± SD9 ± 2.94568 ± 3215229 ± 5315422 ± 9515
Site 3Average ± SD14 ± 2.74573 ± 1515220 ± 4915371 ± 2815
Combined SitesAverage ± SD13 ± 4.313568 ± 2345350 ± 18345465 ± 11345
Maximum Reading24148599599
Minimum Reading435159337
% Passed100000
% Failed (Leaked)0100100100
Average of Reported Lab Averages12.967.9349.6465.1
Standard Deviation of the Lab Averagesbsx¯3.9NANANA
Standard Deviationsr3.
Standard DeviationbsR4.8NANANA
Repeatability Limitr8.716.023.222.8
Reproducibility LimitbR13.3NANANA
  • a All no-defect syringes were water-filled. Air-filled defects simulate leaks found in the gas headspace region of packages filled with liquid.

  • b Syringes with hole defects were not tested across sites, therefore reproducibility between labs is not applicable (NA).

  • Note: ABORT test results were assigned differential pressure readings of 599 Pa for analysis purposes.

  • SD = standard deviation