Time Requirements for Conventional Extraneous Agent Testing

ActivityTime Needed
Test preparation and preparation of neutralizing antiserumAntigen preparation/purification from independent source≥4 weeks
Hyperimmunization or preparation and selection of monoclonal antibodies10 weeks
Antiserum/antibody purification (optional)4 weeks
Neutralization pre-tests in vitro4 weeks
Qualification tests in in vitro methods≥6 weeks
Qualification tests in in vivo methods≥12 weeks
≥40 weeks
In vivo testing (longest time period for guinea pig testing)Order to delivery of animals1 (−4) weeks
Adaptation period1 week
Inoculation, observation period7 weeks
Pathology and histopathology, additional cell culture tests and/or subinoculations in case of suspicious findings6 weeks
Reporting including review and approval3 weeks
Timing/logistic gaps4 weeks
22 weeks
Total sum≥62 weeks