Common Tools for Risk Management and the Use of Probability*

Tool or Analytical ProcessComment on Probability Concepts Used in These Methods
General, “high-level,” problem scoping and risk framing tools: implicit probability
Hierarchical holographic modelingMapping possibilities in a hierarchy. Categories attempt to describe 100% of the probability for risks of concern.
Structured “what-if?” technique (SWIFT)Identifying possible scenarios without probabilities.
Hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP)Hazard analysis is scenario generation—possibilities, not probabilities. Some uses might include the relative likeliness or probability for critical control points.
Hazard operability analysis (HAZOP)Hazard analysis is scenario generation. Favors possibilities, not probabilities.
Preliminary hazard analysis (PHA)Hazards analyses generate scenarios for risk assessments. Favors possibilities, not probabilities.
Root cause analysis (RCA) or cause-and-effect tools: implicit to explicit probability
Ishikawa (fishbone)Broad categories cover all possibilities lead to the event (failure)
Cause and effect (tree diagram)Broad categories cover all possibilities lead to the event (failure)
Failure modes and effects analysisIndependence of scenarios needed; distributions useful for serial analysis;
Linguistically imprecise borders between probabilities are possible;
Quantitative tools: explicit probability
Event tree analysis (ETA)Using initiating event and inductively maps the faults and probabilities of multiple outcomes.
Fault tree analysis (FTA)Starting at the outcome, works deductively to map causes and probabilities for the specific causal pathways. Sequential event analyses (conditional probabilities) are implemented.
Cause-consequence analysisCombines FTA and ETA for a single system view of multiple faults and multiple consequences.
Markov chainThe probability for elements of a system transitioning from one state to another (e.g., operating→failing) is used. Often combined with Monte Carlo simulations and Bayesian Monte Carlo.
Monte Carlo simulationsPropagation of probability distributions by modeling uncertain, linked variables in the process or system. Yields uncertainties in the overall process. Can be used to compare scenarios under and sensitivity analyses.