Article CommentaryCommentary
A Commentary on “Understanding the Non-Equivalency of Bio-Fluorescent Particle Counts versus the Colony Forming Unit”
Félix A. Montero Julian
PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology November 2024, 78 (6) 730-734; DOI:
Félix A. Montero Julian
Pharma QC business, Industrial Applications, bioMérieux, France

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In This Issue
PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
Vol. 78, Issue 6
November/December 2024
A Commentary on “Understanding the Non-Equivalency of Bio-Fluorescent Particle Counts versus the Colony Forming Unit”
Félix A. Montero Julian
PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Nov 2024, 78 (6) 730-734; DOI: 10.5731/pdajpst.2024.012995
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